
ASKO Trade offers a wide range of financing services and solutions. All of them are approved by our customers who have successfully used and keep using our financing offers.

We have developed convenient, flexible tools for you and act as your financial partners. Below are two methods that allow a buyer to apply the system of deferred payments for the purchased product.

Advanced payment to the coal/iron ore company.

According to this scheme, we make a prepayment to the product producer, and you receive the shipped materials. Our customers are benefited from immediate delivery of desired product, which they pay for later, often after making a profit upon its actual realization. ASKO Trade has a wide network of banks with which we have developed long and strong partnerships ties, so our customers can safely and reliably use this method of financing.


In order to conduct business without interruptions, an enterprise often has to raise funds as part of unsecured lending. Today, it is most profitable to do under the terms of factoring.

Factoring is a type of unsecured loan. The factoring mechanisms allow to maintain your continuous economic activity, recover raw materials or finished products supply costs, as well as have certain works, for example, quality control or transportation supervision, done without prepayment. Also, factoring tools enable expand activities without attracting long-term loans. The important thing is that a collateral is not required under this scheme of financing.

However, the benefits of factoring are not limited to financing alone. The intermediary (ASKO) assumes many other functions related to the receivables management: it keeps records of payments, monitors the maturity periods, provides accounting and statistical debt control and analysis, prepares financial statements. Freedom from the extra cost loading allows our customers to get focused on their core business. So, our diverse factoring practices help to significantly reduce organizational costs. You have the opportunity to get an additional deferred payment period, as well as set up convenient for your company payment schedule.

Advantages of our financing services:

  • mitigation of financial risks associated with receivables;
  • our financing service is not a loan product and therefore does not affect your company balance sheet;
  • comprehensive service to our customers.

Our experts and financial analysts will consult on all types of proposed financing tools and help to select the best and profitable scheme for your company.