
Coal is among the most important resources in the world. There are several types of the coal used for different purposes, starting from simple steam coal and ending with premium anthracites or coking coals.
Our company is able to supply a wide range of coals, covering any possible demands of our customers.
The types of coal we can supply on a either stable monthly basis or spot basis:

  • PCI coal
  • Anthracite coal
  • Coking coal

Our team examines the demand conditions of the customers and provides advantageous opportunities for them, selecting optimal products with the maximum quality and economic efficiency options.

PCI Coal

PCI is a partial replacement of expensive coking coal; it can reduce gas consumption in blast-furnace steelmaking. Pulverized coal is used as a separate fuel or additives in steam boilers, metallurgical furnaces, and other thermal generating units. The current growth in the PCI market is caused by the large-scale transition to PCI technology by metallurgical companies. PCI technology application allows to reduce the consumption of blast furnace coke by 50% and replace natural gas. In this regard, PCI is valued as the most promising energy-saving technology in blast-furnace production and attracts serious attention of investors.

The increase in PCI consumption is conditioned by its relatively low price and excess coal reserves compared to other types of fossil fuel. PCI market demand is supported by production increase in the steel industry – the main consumer of pulverized coal.

PCI technology, as a cost-effective alternative that helps to reduce coke consumption, will remain the most effective for the metallurgical industry allowing further cost reduction and productivity increase.

Anthracite coal

Anthracite coal is a sedimentary rock. This means that the stone material for a long time has been sinking to a certain surface level and got pressed. Anthracite is a highly valued coal. While combusting, it gives the maximum amount of heat. Free from impurities, it is used as a source of pure carbon. An important distinguishing feature of anthracite is its ability to combust without flame and smoke. Unlike coal smoke, anthracite combustion products are odorless. Anthracite coal is safe in terms of spontaneous temperature increase in the massif. Moreover, is not that simple to kindle anthracite coal: its ignition temperature ranges from 600-700°C.

It is traditionally used as a high-grade solid fuel. However, the calorific value of anthracite (up to 8350 kcal/kg) is so high that upon anthracite “pea” or “nut/bean” (“pea” fraction is 5-7 mm in dimensions, that of “nuts” is 20-50 mm) combustion, the furnace parts can melt. In order to avoid incidents, fired anthracite is often depleted by mixing with low-grade coal.

In the metallurgical industry, anthracite coal is necessary as a source of carbon required for steel alloys creation and also used in non-ferrous metal production technologies. In chemistry it is used as a sorbent. In electrical engineering, anthracite coal is applied as a material for current-conducting media and electrodes manufacturing.

Coking coal

Coking coal (or coal K) is a type of hard coal from which, under coking conditions, coke of a certain strength and size is produced. It is in great demand in many industries. Coking coal is used as the main fuel in steel production and energy sector. Coking coals differ from other fossil fuels in their ability to transform into a plastic state and to sinter when exposed to high temperatures without oxygen.

Concentrated and unenriched coking coal is characterized by low ash content (less than 10%), insignificant content of volatile components (from 15 to 37%) and sulfur (less than 3,5%). Compared to other types of coal, coals K are characterized by high combustion temperature and a lower content of impurities. The ratio of constituent substances in different coal deposits may vary slightly and this is important to consider in coal carbonizing process. Before coal processing, its composition, sinterability, and other indicators shall be determined.

Coking coals which are used as process fuel in real sectors of the economy are the most important for industry. The main feature that distinguishes coking coal from power generating coal is vitrain. Vitrain is an ash component of coal which is formed in result of plants decomposition without oxygen. Vitrain is able to melt and sinter under the high temperatures. Thus, microparticles of coal get baked together in solid dense mass. The higher vitrain concentration the higher coal carbonization quality.

The core intended use of coking coal is industrial fuel. During combustion process, coking coal emits a large amount of thermal energy. The ignition temperature of this fuel is 470oС. Application of this natural resource in industrial processes makes it possible to obtain lead, molybdenum, zinc, germanium, sulfur, gallium and other chemical elements. Coal industry wastes also industrially applied through processing into refractory materials, abrasives, and building materials. In total, there more than 300 types of products can be produced from hard coal.